cat allergy

Here’s a summary of those four pesky hypersensitivity reactions you will definitely be asked questions on at some point.

Sometimes, the best way to remember things is to boil them down to as few words as possible. For the hypersensitivity reactions, here’s what that might look like:

Type I – allergy
Type II – antibodies
Type III – immune complex
Type IV – T cells

Here’s a little more information:

Type I hypersensitivity is the mechanism underlying the classic allergic response. It’s also called “immediate” hypersensitivity, which makes sense to any allergy sufferer (as soon as you start petting the cat, you start sneezing). It’s caused by an antigen (from an allergen, like cat dander) binding to IgE antibodies that are bound to the surface of mast cells. The antigen bridges the IgE antibodies, triggering release of nasty mediators (like histamine) from the mast cell. The end result: vessels dilate, smooth muscle contracts, and inflammation comes in and makes itself at home.

Type II hypersensitivity is also called “antibody-mediated” hypersensitivity. Which is kind of misleading, because it’s not the only type of hypersensitivity reaction that involves antibodies. Oh well. In this type of hypersensitivity antibodies bind to antigens on a cell surface (any cell surface). Macrophages come in and eat up the cells (they think the Fc fragments of antibodies are yummy). Complement gets activated, inflammation comes in (harming tissue) and cells end up dying. Examples of this type of hypersensitivity include: autoimmune hemolytic anemia, pemphigus vulgaris, Goodpasture syndrome, myasthenia gravis, and Graves disease.

Type III hypersensitivity is also called “immune-complex-mediated” hypersensitivity. In this one, antibodies bind to antigens, forming complexes. These antigen-antibody complexes circulate (either throughout the whole body, or within one area of the body), get stuck in vessels, and stimulate inflammation, the end result being inflammation-mediated tissue damage and necrotizing vasculitis. Examples of this type of hypersensitivity include: systemic lupus erythematosus, post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis, polyarteritis nodosa, serum sickness, and the Arthus reaction.

Type IV hypersensitivity is also called “T-cell-mediated” hypersensitivity. This type of hypersensitivity has two subtypes. In one subtype, called delayed-type hypersensitivity, helper T cells secrete cytokines that activate macrophages (which eat the antigen) and induce inflammation (which damages tissue). A good example of delayed-type hypersensitivity is poison ivy. The other subtype, called T-cell-mediated cytotoxicity, involves cytotoxic T cells coming and killing target cells (like the cells of a transplanted organ, or the pancreatic islet cells in a patient with type I diabetes).